Who's Who in CFUW/Kanata?

Our club is made up of approximately 100 members and we rely on them to run all our club's activities and special events. Here are the names of this year's volunteers and their current roles.

2024-25 Executive Action Committee

 President  Jill Jones
 Past-president  Elena Petrcich
 Vice-president  TBD
 Recording Secretary  Tomi Hunter, Sandy Burger, Janet Parker
  Janice Stonehouse
 Membership   Jennifer Rose
 Communications   Cathy Smart
 Interest Group   Kathy Thompson, Wende Collins
 Program   Tricia Carran

Special Committees

Christmas PartyJudy Tinsley
 Facebook  Cathy Smart
 Goodwill  Mary Lou Jaeggin
 Newsletter Editor  Cathy Smart
 Website  Mary Daniels,  Janice Stonehouse, Jennifer Rose,
 Grania Allen, Cathy Smart

Standing Committees

 Advocacy  TBD
 Archivist  Dorothy Evans
 Rep. to  Affiliates   Betty Bertrand
 Scholarship Awards   Hazel Pompey
 ZOOM  Lynn Payton 

2023-24 Executive Action Committee

 President  TBD
 Past-president  Elena Petrcich
 Vice-president  TBD
 Recording Secretary  TBD
  Carol Austin
 Membership   Jennifer Rose
 Communications   Mary Daniels
 Interest Group   Grania Allen
 Program    Jill Jones

Special Committees

Christmas Party  TBD
 Facebook  Hazel Pompey
 Goodwill  Mary Lou Jaeggin
 Newsletter Editor  TBD
 Website  Mary Daniels,  Janice Stonehouse, Jennifer Rose,
 Grania Allen

Standing Committees

 Advocacy  TBD
 Archivist  Dorothy Evans
 Rep. to  Affiliates   Betty Bertrand
 Scholarship Awards   Hazel Pompey
 ZOOM  Lynn Paton 

2022-23 Executive Committee

 President  Elena Petrcich
 Past-president  Adell Hay
 Vice-presidents  Molly McGoldrick-Larsen
 Recording Secretary  Laura Eryou, Neera Singhal
  (Acting) Carmel Griffin
 Membership  Jennifer Rose
 Communications  Mary Daniels


 Interest Groups    Grania Allen
 Program  Jill Jones

Special Committees

Christmas Party  TBD
 Facebook  Hazel Pompey
 Goodwill  Mary Lou Jaeggin
 Newsletter Editor  Carole Baker
 Newsletter Proof Readers  TBD
 Website  Mary Daniels,  Janice Stonehouse, Jennifer Rose,
 Grania Allen

Standing Committees

 Advocacy  Roberta Balmer
 Archivist  Dorothy Evans
 Rep. to  Affiliates   Betty Bertrand
 Scholarship Awards   Sandy Burger
 ZOOM  Lynn Paton, Molly McGoldrick-Larsen

2021-22 Executive Committee

 President  Elena Petrcich
 Past-president  Adell Hay
 Vice-presidents  Joelyn Gregory, Molly McGoldrick-Larsen
 Recording Secretary  Sandi St. Germain
 Suzanne MacKeen
 Membership  Jennifer Rose
 Communications  Mary Daniels, Joy Forbes


 Interest Groups    Grania Allen
 Program  Jill Jones

Special Committees

Christmas Party  Pam Byrtus, Helen Chambers, Martha Klump,  Heather  Pettipas, Jennifer Rose, Judy Tinsley,
 Facebook  Hazel Pompey
 Goodwill  Mary Lou Jaeggin
 Newsletter   TBD
 Newsletter Proof Reader  TBD
 Website  Mary Daniels,  Janice Stonehouse, Jennifer Rose

Standing Committees

 Advocacy  Roberta Balmer
 Archivist  Dorothy Evans
 Rep. to  Affiliates   Betty Bertrand
 Scholarship Awards   Sandy Burger

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