International Day of Peace 

September 21, 2024, Parliament Hill, Ottawa, 12 -3 p.m.

You are invited to unite in Peace at our World Peace Day Assembly on Parliament Hill in Ottawa.

CFUW is inviting all women and their families and friends to unite in Peace in support of our World Peace Day initiative. 

An assembly of CFUW members, friends, and supporters of Peace will gather on Parliament Hill with a display of hundreds of colorful panels calling for Peace in our world. Panels were crafted by individuals in all provinces of Canada and will be presented as Pieces4PeaceThe colorful bird in the graphic represents the individual panel contributions from CFUW members joining together in a spirit of unity to support a call for Peace. 

CFUW is actively supporting 2024 World Peace Day

The International Day of Peace (“Peace Day”) is observed around the world each year on  September21st.  Established in 1981 by unanimous United Nations resolution, Peace Day provides a globally shared date for all humanity to commit to Peace above all differences and to contribute to building a Culture of Peace.

Peace requires the absence of conflict, but true Peace also requires active participation where dialogue is encouraged and conflicts are solved in a spirit of mutual understanding and cooperation.

The need for Peace is universal, multi-racial, and multi-generational. We are a non-partisan, non-denominational group. 
We recognize that all of us need Peace during these troubled times, and so we stand for Peace. 

Let's talk about PEACE. Let's promote PEACE.

Women and their families are deeply affected by conflict, but their voices are too often lost in the noise of combat. The panel display represents the silent voices of women from regions across Canada who want to be heard at the negotiating table. Their firm belief is that fighting is cruelly destructive and damaging to all sides. On the other hand, calm negotiation permits constructive possibilities for resolution while minimizing harm. We Stand for Peace.

This is a heartfelt plea from women and their families to recognize the power of quietness and calm to move forward and resolve the distress of conflict.

About CFUW

(CFUW - Canadian Federation of University Women)

CFUW is a non-profit, non-partisan, self-funded organization with 94 clubs across Canada with over 6,600 members. Since its founding in 1919, our mission has been to achieve educational and economic equality and social justice through continuous learning and empowerment. Our vision is that women and girls are educated and empowered to make transformative change in the world.

Peace Panel Displays - click for details on how to make your own panel

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