Best Practices for Enjoyable and Efficient Meetings

Avoid "meeting-fatigue" 
      • Get organized BEFORE the meeting
      • Pump up your enthusiasm
      • Set clear rules of engagement
      • Get everyone involved
      • Create small discussion groups 
      • Use visual relief
      • Stay hydrated
      • Close on an upbeat note
  1. Watch the time left on your booking: Meetings cannot overlap, so your meeting must finish for the next meeting to begin. 
  2. Limit the group size for meetings with open microphones. (Maximum 12 - 15 participants)
  3. Establish a protocol at the beginning of the meeting. Ask participants to self-mute on their computer when it is not their turn to speak (or if their dog barks, or their phone rings!)
  4. Indicate how speakers will communicate: Agree on a signal (hand wave?) or wait to be called by the host to ensure that only one voice is heard at a time. 
  5. Use the chat box to type in questions or comments rather than calling out. This is especially important in a  large or  more formal meeting.
  6. Be patient and kind, we are all on a learning curve with this new way to conduct meetings and social gatherings.

Please Mind Your Manners on ZOOM

Do be considerate of the other participants in your ZOOM session.

1. Mute your microphone as soon as you sign on and whenever you are not speaking. This is important because it avoids background noise and distractions for others. (Radio, Television, Telephone calls, Barking dog ...)

2. Mute your video if you are eating, grooming, talking with someone else in the room, or doing anything else that  might be distracting to others.

3. Close other applications on your computer to keep the video functioning optimally.

4. Consider using a headset with an external mic for best hearing and speaking capabilities.

5. Let others know you are finished speaking by saying one of these sign-offs: “That’s all.” “I’m done.” “Thank you.”

6. If you want to speak, do not call out. Instead, raise your hand or use the “raise hand” feature on your screen.

7. Ask questions and make comments silently by typing them into the “Chat” feature.

8. Position your camera at eye level or higher to ensure a normal aspect to your face.

9. Remember to sign out or “Leave the meeting” when the session is finished.

10. Clothing is NOT optional!

What does the ZOOM Team do behind the scenes?

      • Book a meeting when requested (date, time, purpose, length of time is needed)
      • Check the Club schedule and Zoom bookings to ensure that the requested time is available
      • Add the new meeting to the Zoom Pro calendar
      • Create an Invite to the Meeting which contains the Meeting ID and password, the Zoom manager’s name, the Title of the meeting, date, time, and length of meeting.
      • Send the Invite to the Convenor, Executive member, or Club member (Host) who is hosting the meeting for the group
      • Log in and start the meeting for the Host
      • Provide technical support related to the Zoom client
      • If not attending the meeting, the Zoom  manager may transfer the responsibility for closing the meeting to a co-host (usually the meeting Host)
      • Note: The Zoom manager does not act as a convenor and does not control Interest Group emails (with the Invite) or meeting agendas.

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