Why are we using ZOOM?

We can meet our club members and enjoy invited speakers even though the pandemic prevents us from meeting face-to-face during this long period of social distancing. In addition, when the evenings get dark and the snow starts to fly, we can still attend all our CFUW meetings without leaving home.

ZOOM includes audio, video, text, and screen sharing: That means we can hear each other, see each other, exchange text messages, and share files from our own computer with individuals or a group. You can do all of this while sitting at home in front of your own device.

What do I need to use ZOOM?

You can use Zoom on your computer, your tablet, or your phone, and you must have an Internet connection. If you are using email and browsing web pages, you already have a suitable device. The only extra requirement is that you download a ZOOM client to put on your device. Just select the client  that corresponds with your device and follow the prompts. The client is free. The club has paid for a license for us all to use Zoom for club activities.

Download the Zoom client

You can download the Zoom Desktop Client here for MacWindowsChromeOS and Linux, as well as the Zoom Mobile App for iOS and Android

How will I know when there is a meeting?

You will receive an email showing the date and time of the meeting. The email will include a link to the meeting and a password. Simply click on the link at the scheduled time to connect to your group.

Who can help me?

Excellent help files are here: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/categories/200101697-Getting-Started

How can I book a meeting time for my group?

  1. Email your request to a Zoom manager stating the date, time, length of meeting, its purpose, and who is hosting the meeting. The manager will book the meeting for you and send the meeting details to you. 
  2. Forward the message to each of the attendees as an invitation to join the meeting. The invitation will include an active link, a password, and time and date of the meeting.
  3. Ensure that the meeting invitation is sent to club members only.
  4. Send the Invitation to meeting participants twice:
    • First – At least one week prior to the meeting, so everyone can mark their calendars.
    • Second - As a reminder on the day before the meeting. This ensures that participants have ready access to the invitation and the required link it contains.
  5.  Keep a careful eye on the time allocation of the session. The platform allows only one group meeting at a time. Please be sure to respect this so that the group following yours is not inconvenienced.
  6. At the end of the session, the host closes the meeting by clicking on the LEAVE button.
  7. If there are any problems, the host reports them to a Zoom manager.

Click here to see ZOOM Best Practices

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